Warringah Plastics custom manufactured ceiling tiles for Melbourne Central, as part of the refurbishment of Melbourne’s CBD’s largest & most recognisable shopping centres http://www.melbournecentral.com.au.
Warringah Plastics custom manufactured ceiling tiles for Melbourne Central, as part of the refurbishment of Melbourne’s CBD’s largest & most recognisable shopping centres http://www.melbournecentral.com.au. The brief presented was to create a hanging ceiling tile made from sustainable materials that passed fire ratings, had good noise dampening qualities and aesthetic presentation. Warringah Plastics, over the past years, has done much R&D on using recycled PET sheet and resolved manufacturing methods and uses of recycled sheet, including the ability to vacuum form it, bend it & trim it in a presentable way. With the use of our design & engineering services, the resultant tile was resolved to accommodate lighting & electrical, pass Australian standards and be efficiently mass produced as high quality product, meeting & bettering strict & tight deadlines of the 700m2 refurbishment project, allowing for a very happy client & a great solution.