We take pride in being a successful Australian manufacturer and we are continually improving our processes to stay ahead of the competition. Being an Australian manufacturer we understand quality as being a point of difference and we take quality very seriously and strive to produce products that not just meet your standard but meet our internal quality standards compliant with the internationally recognised ISO 9001:2015 standard in which we are certified.
We like to work closely with our customers to understand their quality expectations so we can deliver a product that is suitable; whether it is a temporary point of sale display or a robust automotive component that must be standard compliant we can deliver!
Most forget that quality starts at design and we firmly believe with our experience and expertise we can design products using the latest CAD and rendering technologies and finite element analysis tools we can get products right ‘first time and every time’.
In manufacturing quality starts with the raw materials we utilise and every sheet used in our products is inspected for thickness, size, colour, texture and contamination and damage. Likewise every timber, epoxy and aluminium tool, knife and jig we utilise is inspected for quality and is tested using warm up sheets. This level of care is brought forward through our manufacturing processes with every work in progress and finished product being inspected and approved in-line with the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
Research and development is an integral part of our operation. Engineering and testing are key to providing good quality products and at Warringah Plastics we have rigorous standardised testing procedures for quantifying material and adhesive strength. Plastics is not just something we do, it is something we are very passionate about and our company follows the Japanese kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement and we take this approach to all areas of Warringah Plastics. We view quality in a holistic way that isn’t just about producing quality products but encompasses:
• Designing, developing and manufacturing products fit for purpose
• Having a high quality work environment that is safe, clean
• Designing, developing, manufacturing and transporting products in an environmentally sustainable way
• Protecting data and information that belongs to our customers, suppliers and our staff

Our Quality Policy
Warringah Plastics Pty Ltd is an Australian owned manufacturing company whose operations include the design, manufacture and distribution of industrial components as well as specialising in vacuum forming, trimming and the fabrication of plastic sheeting. We are also leaders in project management, design and production of innovative point of sale displays.
Warringah Plastics is committed to implementing and maintaining a Quality Management System to ensure continual improvement and customer satisfaction. This management system is designed to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.
This policy applies to all areas of the business relating to manufacturing and design.
Our quality objectives include:
• Customer satisfaction through product quality and customer service.
• Efficiency through training and enhancing the skills of management and staff.
• Delivery on time.
This quality management system provides the framework for establishing and reviewing these objectives.
Through effective communication and training we will ensure that all our personnel have a sound understanding of this policy and the Quality Management System. Warringah Plastics is committed to complying with all legal, regulatory and customer requirements and to providing its employees with the resources required to implement, maintain and continuously improve its Quality Management System.
This Quality Policy will be reviewed yearly as part of the management review process to monitor appropriateness and continuing suitability.

Quality Review - 2019
Ian Erskine, Managing Director and CEO of ACI Global provided the following notes regarding the quality audit conducted in 2019.
The annual surveillance audit evaluation determined that Warringah Plastics a “Quality Organisation”, through sampling of the management system processes conform with requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, reflecting the high level of quality products its provides to its clients and in line with its compliance requirements as set by the industry client base and external regulatory agencies when applicable. Sampling also confirmed the effectiveness of the management system with regard to achieving the organisations strategic objectives and the intended outcomes of the organisations business system.
The level of understanding of the system and its requirements as displayed by the management team interviewed during this audit is rated as acceptable and I would recommend the Warringah Plastics for on going certification to the above Standard. A number of both positive outcomes & suggested improvements were identified further demonstrating the organisation ability to embrace business best practice.
Sustainable Certification would like to thank all employees involved in this current audit for their cooperation and assistance.
The major strength of this organisation is the flow on from the Senior Leadership Teams hands on approach to its business activities with a simplistic “Quality Assurance Culture? Underpinned by a practical and effective stepped control, inspect check control and approval process from the start to the finish of the services provided. This has been further highlighted by the organisations drive for Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability as highlighted by the following Positive Outcome.
Positive Outcome #1: The organisations emphasis on values and corporate social responsibility has played a strong role in being able to withstand the loss of one of its major clients and continue to be viable in supporting s its workforce.
Kindest Regards
Ian Erskine FILM
Managing Director and CEO
ACI Global Pty Ltd
Mobile: +61 4 0883 1898
***APAC – Most Innovative Learning Courses Provider 2019***
***APAC – Best Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative 2019***