Warringah Plastics is compliant with AS/NZS 4801:2001 Safety Management Systems.
Our Policy
Warringah Plastics recognises that it has a primary responsibility to avoid or minimise the risk of harm or injury to any person from the conduct of its business and aims to provide and maintain, as far as practicable, a working environment for employees, casual staff, visitors and contractors, that is safe and without risk to health.
Warringah Plastics is committed to providing the necessary resources to achieve this aim and the ongoing improvement in its WHS performance.
Owner(s)/Directors, Managers and Supervisors are accountable for the safety of employees and contractors under their control and will ensure that the company’s Work Health & Safety Policy and Procedures are observed at all times.
All employees are to develop a personal concern for safety and health; for themselves and others, particularly new employees and younger personnel; and adherence to safe work practices is a condition of employment. Employees are required to observe safety regulations and procedures, and to discuss with their management any hazard that they themselves cannot eliminate. All employees should ensure all applicable personal protective equipment is worn when necessary.
All employees, contractors, customers and visitors are required to report any current or potential Work Health and Safety hazard to their direct supervisor or host.
It is the responsibility of all employees to make anyone visiting and/or working at our premises aware of the organisation’s Work Health and Safety Policy and Reporting Procedures.
Warringah Plastics has an WHS Consultative Committee to facilitate consultation between staff & management in matters relating to the health, safety & well being of all staff members. These arrangements will assist with the development and monitoring of safe work practices and systems.
Compliance with this Policy, related procedures and programs will ensure safer working conditions.